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Professional cleaning after fire and its techniques

Professional cleaning after fire and its techniques It is very hard to get rid of the consequences of the fire and it is important not to procrastinate the cleaning, because being in the place after fire can have a bad influence on health. One of the biggest consequences of the fire is the soot on walls, floor and ceiling.

The stages of cleaning process

For organizing cleaning after fire you have to have a plan. The stages of cleaning after fire are:

• Getting rid of the smell of smoke

The smell of smoke is very unpleasant and bad for your health. That’s why, first of all, you have to get rid of the smell, so that you can continue the cleaning.

To get rid of the smell, open the windows and if there is an air conditioner in the place, then close the windows and turn on the air conditioner. Then, we suggest to put mint or salvia. These herbs can replace the smell of the smoke with their fragrant smell.

There is another method for getting rid of the smell of smoke, too. Fill the bucket or the boiler with boiled water and 0,5-liter vinegar then leave the place. The liquid will absorb the smell.

• Dry-cleaning of furniture and other stuff

For cleaning the whole area of the place which has been into fire, you have to free the space, so you can give your furniture and other things (carpets, curtains, furniture) to dry-cleaning service and so free the space.

• Dry Cleaning

You have to start the actual cleaning process with dry cleaning, then wet cleaning, otherwise, the soot will penetrate deeper into walls.

If the floor wasn’t damaged, then we suggest you to cover it with cellophane and fasten the angles with tape. This will ease the work after cleaning the walls and ceiling. Get rid of damaged wallpapers and after that clean the soot on the walls and ceiling with vacuum cleaner.

• Wet cleaning

When making cleaning liquid we suggest you to use dish wash liquid or soda. To get rid of the stains of fire you have to use tough cleaning things, such as brushes.

Ozone treatments in rooms and using special chemicals

Ozone treatment is the most effective method to get rid of the smell of smoke from furniture and other stuff and to remove the damage. Being a gas, ozone can perfectly clean all the places where there is an air. But there are materials, that are not suitable for ozone treatment: leather, rubber, plastic.

Preparing the room for construction

Cleaning the place after fire is a very hard process. No one can guarantee efficiency. Special chemicals which are one of the most effective cleaning methods, are not sold in stores and ordinary cleaning liquids can’t provide long lasting result.

That’s why, it is suggested to call a cleaning service, which will not only help to get rid of the burned stuff, but also will clean professionally the place with special cleaning liquids. And the most important thing is that after professionally cleaning the place it will be easy to pass on the construction part.

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