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Measures to help reduce dust at home

Dust is one of the most unpleasant household phenomenon, and the process of dusting is one of the most unpleasant things for housewives. However, by taking certain measures, it is possible to reduce the amount of dust in the apartment.

Measure 1. Keep plants at home

Plants increase oxygen, making the air cleaner and less dusty. Chlorophyte plant is the best enemy of dust. It is enough to spray the leaves with water, and the dust in the house will decrease several times. You can experiment.

Measure 2. Purchase an air humidifier

Many think air humidifier is a luxury, while it is a necessity. Humid air is much cleaner, especially during the heating season.

Measure 3. Give up carpets

Give up carpets or choose carpets with shorter gross. You should not collect the rug and keep it in a corner. Just be careful when buying a carpet so that the carpet layer is short. Moreover, at present such models are very trendy.

Measure 4. Give up using brooms

It is advisable to give up using brooms. Vacuum cleaners are a better option. Brooms collect bigger garbage, leaving the dust everywhere.

Measure 5. Organize wet cleanings

Organize wet cleanings as often as it is possible. You will see that it will even become easier to breathe at home. It will take you 15-20 minutes. 

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