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Characteristics of cleaning the grounds of educational institutions

Characteristics of cleaning the grounds of educational institutions

Inspection authorities place strict requirements on the cleanliness and order of educational institutions, so keeping the premises clean at all times is a priority.

Places with a large number of students are especially noteworthy.

What is included in school cleaning?

School cleaning includes the following tasks:

  • wet cleaning using appropriate cleaning and disinfecting agents;
  • removal of dust from surfaces;
  • cleaning of glass and mirror surfaces;
  • washing and disinfection of floors, door handles, window sills, etc.
  • cleaning of bathrooms (with the replacement of soap and paper), plumbing equipment, tile cleaning;
  • garbage disposal.

  • How often should cleaning be done?

    Cleaning of educational institutions is divided into daily, periodic and general. Daily cleaning includes the following activities:

  • Wet cleaning of classrooms, corridors, sanitary facilities, stairwells
  • Cleaning of all types of surfaces in canteens and gyms.

  • Periodic work includes:

  • Window cleaning
  • Cleaning of adjacent territories
  • Dry cleaning of curtains, curtains

  • Once a month, educational institutions are thoroughly cleaned, which includes washing and disinfecting the entire facility. If necessary, the building's facade is also washed.

    Cleaning services for educational institutions provided by CleanLine.

    Cleaning services for educational institutions are provided by the cleaning company CleanLine, which uses high-tech equipment and hypoallergenic professional chemicals to provide a high-quality service. The company's employees are highly professional, allowing them to solve problems of any complexity.

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