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How to get rid of ants at home quickly

How to get rid of ants  at home quickly

Ants are a problem faced by residents of most houses or apartments. As you know, ants are very attached to their habitat and are very reluctant to leave it.

Reasons for their appearance at home

The main reason for the appearance of ants is insufficient cleanliness of the room. Ants are attracted to food and even the slightest uncleaned food debris, and crumbs can cause ants to emerge. Also, insects can appear from neighbors who are fighting ants.

The best ways to deal with ants

To exterminate ants, the first step is to find an ant nest and get rid of it. In this difficult matter, we recommend using proven methods:

  • Mix boric acid with something sweet and leave in different places in the kitchen.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of ammonia with 5 liters of water and sprinkle in places where ants are supposed to live.
  • In the habitat of ants, spread out cloves of garlic, cinnamon sticks, mint.
  • Mix sunflower oil with vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio and pour over the ant's nest.
  • Another way of effectively getting rid of ants is to sprinkle semolina on the anthill and cover with potato peels.
  • Spray places where ants accumulate with soapy water.
  • Mix baking soda with sugar and add a little water. Spray the resulting mixture into places where ants live.
  • Hot peppers are also great at repelling insects.
  • In addition to the above remedies, there are also chemicals that can be used to remove ants. These include:

  • Gels.
  • Crayons with which to draw the border. Having crossed the border, the ant is poisoned.
  • Aerosols. Spray agent to be sprayed directly into the ant's nest.

  • Prevention of the appearance of ants at home

    In our article, we have described the methods of dealing with ants. However, in order for them not to appear again, several basic rules must be observed:

  • The room must always be clean (bathroom, kitchen, etc.). Do regular wet cleaning.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes and throw away trash every day.
  • Do not leave food leftovers on the table.
  • Store fruits and vegetables in airtight containers in the refrigerator.

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