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How to clean the bathroom till it is all white

How to clean the bathroom till it is all white

A white bathroom can light the area. However, due to the lack of care throughout the time, there may happen to be some rust and limestone on it.

Many housewives are concerned with the issue of the bathroom cleanness, since there are chemical materials that can totally spoil the look. What kind of recommendations there can be regarding cleaning the bathroom according to its material and type?

Cleaning of different coverage

Different kinds of coverage require different methods of cleaning.

For example, a bathroom of cast iron is mainly cleaned with some sorts of cleaning powders. One should apply a little bit powder to the wet surface of the bathtub and leave for about 20 minutes, then wash it with a big amount of water. The bathtub can be whitened with 1:1 mixture of soda and calcium. An alternative method of the mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of ammonia can come in handy as well.

A steel bathtub is usually cleaned using mainly liquid cleaning materials, ammonia and soda (see above).

Enamel bathtubs are cleaned rather easily. The following materials are used to clean it:

  • baking soda,
  • citric acid,
  • Laundry soap + ammonia.

  • Acrylic bathtubs are usually the hardest to clean. One can’t use strong chemical materials to clean this. Also such tub is to be cleaned with a soft sponge to avoid any kind of scratches.

    Some pieces of advice to remove the rust

    Rust appears because of the iron surplus in the water. Rust is the kind of dirt that is very hard to remove. However, there are some handy hints to be used in the household.

  • Mix salt and vinegar, then warm it up and leave for 30 minutes.
  • A mixture of vinegar and borax (1:1) can also be a method to remove the rust.
  • The rust stains can also be cleared away with the help of the ammonia, which is to be left on it for about 5 minutes. Citric acid can also be used (to be left for 10-15 minutes).

  • Some pieces of advice to remove the limestone powder

    Limestone accumulations occur because of rigid water that contains different salts. They are removed by special means that can dissolve the calcium compounds. In order to clear away it is recommended to use

  • sodium tetraborate + table vinegar (1:1 proportions)
  • mixture of salt and hot vinegar
  • salt + turpentine (1:1 proportions)

  • The best means to clean a bathtub

    The following chemical materials are considered to be the most effective means to clean a bathtub:

  • Cif,
  • Comet,
  • Cilit,
  • Domestos,
  • Пемолюкс։

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