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How to clean linoleum floors?

How to clean linoleum floors?

Despite the diversity of the floor selection, linoleum is in high demand due to its excellent performance and aesthetic qualities.

Linoleum washing stages

1. First and foremost, dry cleaning should be performed (with a vacuum cleaner or a broom).
2. The linoleum should then be washed with a special detergent.
3. Use a damp cloth to clean it.
4. To avoid streaks, it is best to wipe with a dry cloth after drying.

A brush should be used while cleaning laminated linoleum.

The most common missteps when washing linoleum

  • Use cold water only.
  • Bright sunlight reduces the serviceability of linoleum as well.
  • When washing it, avoid using soda since the alkali in it contributes to the formation of microcracks on the surface.
  • When cleaning linoleum, never use abrasives.
  • Also, avoid using bleach, solvents, and other chemicals.

  • The best linoleum cleaners

  • The soap solution will remove the street dust from the linoleum.
  • Apply concentrated lemon juice to the dirt, let it sit for 5 minutes, and then wipe it away with a damp cloth.
  • Two drops of ammonia will help remove stains from linoleum.
  • Vinegar mixed with water or soap cleans the linoleum surface effectively and removes ink and marker traces.
  • To remove the footprints, simply use a standard eraser.
  • You can restore the luster of linoleum with potato starch.

  • Remember to only use a soft cloth made of microfiber or other delicate materials to clean linoleum.

    Linoleum preventive maintenance

  • Protect linoleum from being crushed by furniture legs by installing rubber or plastic knobs.
  • Wipe linoleum with drying oil or linseed oil twice a month to keep it looking new. Then, using a soft cloth, dry it.
  • Every three months, apply a linoleum mastic or gloss to create a protective coating that will protect the floor from wear and tear.

  • Cleanline provides linoleum cleaning services using only high-quality detergents.

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