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Removing carpet stains at home

Removing carpet stains at home

A carpet is not only a decoration for your home, but also an excellent protection from a cold floor. But it often happens that the carpet gets dirty and then we recommend using our methods presented below.

Basic carpet stain removers

  • Food stains are removed with warm water with the addition of washing powder. For example, to remove mayonnaise stains, it is recommended to use a cloth soaked in a little gasoline. To remove fruit stains, use one tablespoon of wine vinegar in 1 liter of water. Carpet grease can be cleaned with starch or regular sawdust.
  • Liquid stains are removed with water and one tablespoon of glycerin.
  • Use dish detergent to remove stains from woolen floors and ammonia for non-woolen floors.

  • Methods for removing various stains

  • Shaving foam is suitable for all types of stains. Method of application: spray the contaminated area and leave for 30 minutes, after a while, blot with a damp sponge.
  • A regular ice cube will help to remove the chewing gum, glue from the carpet.
  • You need a white towel to remove wax from the carpet. Cover the stain and iron with a hot iron for no more than 30 seconds.
  • With stains from coffee, tea, alcohol, ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help to cope.

  • Features for removing old stains

    The process for removing old stains is almost the same as for fresh ones. Before cleaning the stains, soak them, and then wipe them thoroughly with a cloth, apply a cleaning agent and leave it for a couple of hours. Also, when removing old dirt, you can use glycerin.

    Benefits of professional carpet stain removal

    In our article, we examined in detail how to remove stains from the carpet at home, but if you want to get a Perfect Result, we advise you to contact the cleaning company "CleanLine" and entrust this work to our professionals.

    By contacting our company, you will receive:

  • a wide range of cleaning products designed for different types of carpets
  • vast experience of our specialists in removing stains of various origins;
  • efficiency and quality of the work done.

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