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7 Household Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

7 Household Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Every housewife devotes a certain amount of time to clean the house, but this time is frequently extended due to common mistakes.

Do not begin the cleaning process with the floor

Cleaning from top to bottom is the golden rule of cleaning. First, you must remove the dust, wash the windows, arrange your belongings, and so on before you can begin cleaning the floors.

Water abundance

Wet cleaning should not be overused because the excess water can cause mold to grow on soft furniture and iron elements to rust.


This error has an impact on the cleaning speed and quality. To avoid mistakes, such as dusting before using the vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to create a cleaning plan.

Excessive use of chemicals

Chemicals help keep the house clean and tidy, but the right balance is critical.

Failure to take preventative measures

Many cleaning products are hazardous to one's health. Before using, carefully read the instructions. If there are harmful fumes, wear a mask and gloves that will protect your hands not only from the harmful effects but also from water.

Polishing the furniture after each cleaning

This is an improper approach since modern furniture is protected by a special layer that does not require regular polishing. It is sufficient to use a soft microfiber cloth to clean the furniture.

Once a week, perform general cleaning

Make regular cleanings to make it easier to keep the apartment clean all of the time. Some areas, such as the kitchen and bathroom, must be cleaned regularly.

CleanLine specializes in providing a wide range of cleaning services by utilizing cutting-edge professional cleaning equipment and high-performance environmentally friendly cleaning agents. Our main indicators are professionalism and responsibility.

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