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Peculiarities of ceramic tiles care

Peculiarities of ceramic tiles care

Ceramic tiles are an important part of a modern kitchen or bathroom, as they look quite attractive and the cleaning methods are not so complicated.

Basic methods and materials for cleaning ceramic tiles

The means and methods of cleaning ceramic tiles should be chosen based on the surface of the tile and the complexity of the cleaning process. At present, you can find a variety of materials in stores, which are successfully used in the process of cleaning ceramic tiles. They easily remove grease and oil stains, dirt and mold. Before buying, make sure to pay attention to what kind of tiles they are intended for. Prefer cream or gel mixtures that do not leave scratches on the tile due to the lack of abrasives.

ceramic tiles care

Ceramic tile cleaners are also distributed according to the following principle:

    • With abrasive materials it is possible to easily clean a deep layer of dirt.
    • The chemical-based product removes dirt without scratching the surface of the ceramic tiles.
    • Acidic substances provide excellent results in case of inorganic pollution.
    • Alkaline cleaning products have a versatile function, as they are ideal for getting rid of all kinds of pollution and dirt.

Basic methods of cleaning ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are most often used to cover the kitchen, corridor and bathroom floors. You need to take care of tiles regularly if you want them to look great and pleasing to eye.

ceramic tiles care

When cleaning ceramic tiles at home, you can use the materials at hand, among which the following cleaning agents can be distinguished:

    Dishwashing liquid to help remove light dirt from tiles. It should be applied on the tile, left for 10 minutes, then wiped with a rag.
    Liquid ammonia will easily remove light dirt and give ceramic tiles a delicate shine.
    • The most common way to remove grease, lime and sediment from ceramic tiles is citric acid.
    Soda and vinegar will help get rid of fat deposits and other similar contaminants. Soda should be dissolved in water and rubbed on the surface of the tile.
    Vinegar and Citric acid is an ideal way to remove the lime layer. It is better to clean the accumulated materials on the uneven parts of the tile with a toothbrush.

ceramic tiles care

Useful tips for caring for ceramic tiles

    • Ceramic tiles will not lose their original appearance if you polish them every week with mirror-glass cleaners.
    • Do not abuse the use of acid-based detergents.
    • You can use water-soluble chalk to clean ceramic tiles. It will give them a shiny and wonderful fresh look.
    • Alcohol-soaked cloth can also be used to polish ceramic tiles.
    • Before cleaning the tiles, try to steam them.
    • Ceramic tiles should be washed from the bottom up և wiped in the opposite direction. It will help to wash quickly and without extra effort.

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