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How to wash a sofa at home?

How to wash a sofa at home?

Over time, upholstered furniture loses its original appearance. And the sofa, as you know, is a dust accumulator. Here we will try to help you with our advice on how to clean the sofa at home, without spending a lot of time.

Basic tools for cleaning your sofa at home

Surface cleaning of the sofa is easy to do at home. Let's present the most popular options:

  • Household chemicals. Vanish will allow you to easily clean the sofa, get rid of unpleasant odors. Due to its chlorine-free content, vanish will not harm the health of your family members. Shampoo. Prepare an aqueous solution (1: 9), apply to the surface of the sofa, and leave for 30 minutes. Next, remove the excess dirt with a vacuum cleaner. The stain remover is suitable for removing localized stains from the sofa.
  • Soda and vinegar (1/3 cup of baking soda + 0.5 liters of water). Spray the solution over the upholstery of the sofa, leave for 10 minutes, and vacuum.
  • Ammonia is ideal as a stain remover. Ammonium is used in combination with vinegar (1: 1), warm water (1 tsp + a glass of ammonia).
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Applies only to light-colored upholstery. Sprinkle heavily soiled with baking soda and sprinkle with peroxide. Next, clean with a vacuum cleaner.

  • Features of washing a sofa with different types of upholstery

    Caring for upholstered furniture involves a wide variety of types of upholstery. Therefore, it is important to choose the right product for your sofa.

  • It is recommended to clean the soft upholstery from dust once a week. This procedure can be done with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Upholstered furniture made of the flock is not recommended to wet and rub too much. It is necessary to clean it once a week with a vacuum cleaner or using a solution of liquid soap.
  • The leather upholstery of the sofa should be periodically cleaned of accumulated dust with a damp cloth. Baby cream is used as a moisturizer for upholstery.
  • Artificial leather upholstery substitutes should be cleaned with a sponge and soapy water.
  • For regular cleaning of velour upholstery, use a bristled brush or fiber cloth. Sometimes you can vacuum by covering the attachment with a soft, damp cloth beforehand. For velour upholstery, vinegar or soapy water is perfect (1 liter of water for one tablespoon of vinegar).
  • The fabric upholstery is treated with water and dirt-resistant impregnations.

  • Benefits of professional sofa washing in a cleaning company

    The CleanLine company provides a full range of services for dry cleaning of upholstered furniture. By entrusting the cleaning of sofas to professional specialists, you will not only save your own time but also get updated furniture that will serve you for a long, long time.

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